Book Clubs

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Buzzin' in Book Clubs!

This product is a collection of resources to use in Grades 3-5 to manage and facilitate Book Clubs or Reading Partnerships. This unit is geared toward Book Clubs, but you will find that MOST (not all) of the resources have been modified to support Partnership Reading. Depending on your students, you might find that Reading Partnerships (2 students reading the same book independently and then coming together to discuss the book) work better in your classroom. There are two files for this product. The Table of Contents are listed below. One contains the documents in a portrait format in case you want to set up your Book Clubs using a 3 Prong Folder. The second file contains the documents in a landscape format with the teaching points, planning calendar, and anchor charts for the Reading Notebook in a half-sheet format. 

I have used both formats in my classroom- the folder and the notebook. They both work! It comes down to personal preference.

I typically tend to use a separate folder for my students because I use Book Clubs as an extension for my higher level students during Reading Intervention throughout the year when other students might not be involved in a Book Club or Reading Partnership.

What this Product Includes

*Book Club Basics- Introduction of Book Clubs and getting started.
*Teacher Tips for Book Club Management-(2 pages)
*Book Club Agreement Contract
*Reading Partnership Agreement Contract
*Our Book Club-{Basic Ground Rules} (2 Pages)
*Book Club Group Conversation Rubric {Teacher Page}
*Book Club Self-Assessment Conversation Rubric {Student Page}
*Reading Partnership Conversation Rubric {Teacher Page}
*Reading Partnership Self-Assessment Conversation Rubric {Student Page}
*Setting Goals and Managing Our Time-(2 pages)
*Our Book Club Plan
*Our Reading Partnership Plan
*Book Club Planning Sheet (Teacher Planning Page)
*Partnership Planning Sheet (Teacher Planning Page)
*Teacher Notes and Conferring Sheet
*Book Club Expectations
*Book Club Journaling- Sentence Starters to help students respond to their book.
*Readers get BIG IDEAS by thinking about characters {Chart}
*Fiction Reading Routine {Chart to help students remember all the elements of a story and lessons they’ve learned about how stories go.}
*A Guide to Partnership Reading- This sheet helps students know exactly what to do when they begin the book, in the middle of the book, and when the book is finished.
*A Guide to Book Club Reading- same as above for Book Clubs
*A Guide to Partnership Talk
*A Guide to Book Club Talk- same as above for Book Clubs
*Book Club Teaching Points
*Buzzin’ in Book Clubs Planning Calendar
*Our Planning Calendar {for students}
*Parallel Plot Lines
*Talking Cards

Book Club & Partnership Reading Guides

This is extremely useful to help students stay independent and guide conferring an d Partnership Talk. This particular element can also be found here >>> Reading Guide for any Novel {Independent, Partnership, & Book Club}

***The Independent Reading guide is not included in this Book Club Unit***

These 6 pages can be copied front and back, then stapled together to give students a purposeful task when working in Book Clubs or Reading Partnerships. The document guides students through their novel and asks questions about the characters, setting, plot, etc. The guide could be used with any book and could be shortened to only using the first 3 pages. 

I will continue to update this product as I am always looking for ways to refine and improve my teaching practice. By following me, you will get email updates when new products are posted.

🛑 Are you a member of the TLL Membership? These materials are already included. If you are not a member, click here to learn more. The TLL Membership gives you an all-access pass to hundreds of ELA resources for teachers in Grades 3-5.

If you have any questions or concerns about this product, I would love to hear from you! I LOVE feedback and would appreciate your input on ways to improve this product! You can email me at

 Happy Reading and Happy Teaching!!

- Jessica